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1) I assume DZM gets to pick the picture that displays next to the article. Choosing Sean Connery in Borat-esque skimpy drawers next to "Meet my publisher" is a bit unexpected, and seemingly intentional.

2) I can't believe I will be making two Wu Tang comments on this substact.

"like being asked to become the 9th member of the Wu-Tang Clan"

2a) If you look up how many members there are currently, there are actually 9. But, I don't know enough about the Wu. It's quite possible that being asked to be the next member now (i.e. 10th) would not be as prestigious as a point of time when there were 8 members. Since Ol' Dirty Bastard is dead, that could have been at least twice in the history of Wu. Who Wu?

2b) The next member of Wu. Means more cuts of that NY thin crust. I had a talk with a friend about this who read/heard how there are already so many cuts from profits to ancellary music industry types: agents, managers, producers, labels, concert venues, a certain monopolistic concert ticket company, etc. That after all that, they then have to split whatever's left amongst all the members. And, since that conversation with my friend, apparently there has even become (not sure if still is in existence) a tier system. Such that if you became the newest member, you'd almost certainly get less of even that little sliver that won't even hold a single pepperoni. Heck, not even the tiniest condiment you can think of.

But making music for a living is definitely better than digging a ditch or looking at spreadsheets all day. And getting paid to write cryptocorridos can be sweet too. So... Get the money.

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