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I read most of the paper, still need to finish it. Lot of good points, not sure about all of it. But it and this piece got me started on drafting a comment about the non-existence of trolley problems. The belief that they are more than thought exercises underlie a lot of the ways-justifiy-the-means mentality. I spent days on that comment until it eventually snowballed into an entire story https://g8way.io/WazWieKElugDkoQhDrpUfqK4P-hEFoxTmPVqSnU49Nc .

I of course decided the best thing to do, considering the central character, was make a meme coin of the central character on Solana https://pump.fun/AfHrbGVbmtsy9PqW4ehGEEZ2a5cy6ZtntWqj3TBppump and then post about it on X/twitter https://x.com/awbvious/status/1806485148864762074 . I could have had OpenAI edit it to finish the triumvirate. But I'm not quite ready to let AI into my creative process until I can be confident the model sourcing is ethical.

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